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Country Garden Bouquet by Studley’s


The Country Garden Bouquet by Studley’s is full of sunny garden flowers. Our designers select sunflowers, roses and stock. Next, we fill a purple mason jar with shades of purple and yellow. Send this charming bouquet for any occasion. A delivery of the Country Garden Bouquet by Studley’s delights every time! SG2013

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Many of our floral designs are offered at 3 levels.

  • Good: The floral arrangement is designed at the lower price level.
  • Better & Best: The floral arrangement is designed with either more flowers or more premium flowers than the “Good” version. Plants may be larger or have a more decorative container.

The Country Garden Bouquet by Studley’s is full of sunny garden flowers. Our designers select sunflowers, roses and stock. Next, we fill a purple mason jar with shades of purple and yellow. Send this charming bouquet for any occasion. A delivery of the Country Garden Bouquet by Studley’s delights every time! SG2013

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