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Ivory Whisper Bouquet by Studley’s


The Ivory Whisper Bouquet by Studley’s is a sophisticated hand-tied bouquet. Our designers gather abundant roses in shades of white and cream. Next, we accent the bouquet with silvery foliage. Finally, we wrap the stems in the ribbon color of your choice. Our Ivory Whisper Bouquet is a perfect hand held bouquet for a classic look. You can find more inspiration and book a consultation for custom wedding flowers. SWIW

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Many of our floral designs are offered at 3 levels.

  • Good: The floral arrangement is designed at the lower price level.
  • Better & Best: The floral arrangement is designed with either more flowers or more premium flowers than the “Good” version. Plants may be larger or have a more decorative container.

The Ivory Whisper Bouquet by Studley’s is a sophisticated hand-tied bouquet. Our designers gather abundant roses in shades of white and cream. Next, we accent the bouquet with silvery foliage. Finally, we wrap the stems in the ribbon color of your choice. Our Ivory Whisper Bouquet is a perfect hand held bouquet for a classic look. You can find more inspiration and book a consultation for custom wedding flowers. SWIW

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