The Gemini Bouquet by Studley’s


The Gemini Bouquet by Studley’s is part of our Zodiac Collection. As an air sign, Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20) are cheerful and active. Our designers capture the essence of a Gemini with a bright and lively design. We create a bouquet in in the sign’s most favorable colors with shades of yellow and green. For a symbolic touch we add a ring of midollino rattan. We choose containers in aged metal for our Zodiac Collection. Celebrate your favorite Gemini with The Gemini Bouquet by Studley’s! SASTROG

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Many of our floral designs are offered at 3 levels.

Designed at the base price level and represents the floral selection shown in the photo.

Includes more of the featured flowers than the Classic version, offering a fuller look.

Features an abundance of the highlighted flowers and comes in a larger vase or container for an even more impressive display.

The Gemini Bouquet by Studley’s is part of our Zodiac Collection. As an air sign, Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20) are cheerful and active. Our designers capture the essence of a Gemini with a bright and lively design. We create a bouquet in in the sign’s most favorable colors with shades of yellow and green. For a symbolic touch we add a ring of midollino rattan. We choose containers in aged metal for our Zodiac Collection. Celebrate your favorite Gemini with The Gemini Bouquet by Studley’s! SASTROG

Floral delivery is available local and nationwide. The below list of towns is considered our Local Delivery area.

Alton, NH Barrington, NH Berwick, ME
Dover, NH Farmington, NH Lebanon, ME
Madbury, NH Middleton, NH Milton, NH
Milton Mills, NH New Durham, NH Rochester, NH
Rollinsford, NH Sanbornville, NH Somersworth, NH
Strafford, NH Union, NH

We deliver daily to Frisbie Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NH and Wentworth Douglass Hosptial in Dover, NH.

Send flowers to any address! We are networked with thousands of florists around the country and around the world.

Orders outside of our delivery area are accommodated according to the availability of a local florist in our network. Product availability and delivery changes may differ. We will call you to authorize any additional charges.

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